Cigarette butt challenge
Gather as many cigarette butts you can find and make a statement (artwork) with it.
Post them on your social media with #trashlesschallenge and/or on the trashless .earth exchange feed
Post with the biggest amount of likes / comments on trashless.earth wins
Did you know
The filters in cigarettes are made of tiny plastic particles that take decades or more to decompose. And they serve no use. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, cigarette filters were created in the 1950s by the tobacco industry in an effort to make smoking a “healthier” alternative to unfiltered cigarettes.
A San Diego startup called, Greenbutts is developing a filter made of organic material, like hemp and wood pulp, that quickly breaks down in soil or water. According to NBC, the company says its product is ready for market and can be delivered for a reasonable price if it’s mass produced.

Recommended reading
Volunteers pick up 300,000 cigarette butts from streets
Here It Is, a Sea Turtle Made of Cigarette Butts
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Why cigarette butts threaten to stub out marine life
Cigarette butts are polluting the ocean more than plastic straws — so why not ban these?
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